Saturday, January 16

Day 16 - Caught on a cliff - twice

Feeling confident sometimes leads you to do stupid things. Now that I am getting pretty good on a snowboard, I have been getting more adventurous. Mother Nature answered with a lesson in humility.

On one of the first runs of the day, I went out exploring and found myself on steep ridge lined with rocks.
That's me. Exit strategy was hike back up and out, or go down. I chose down and executed with a long butt slide, followed by a front flip onto my head into the soft snow three feet below. Not the least bit graceful but, as one observer said, "At least you didn't punk out." Somehow sliding butt-to-head first out of there didn't feel that cool.

Later in the day, after learning nothing, I went exploring again and found myself on the edge of a cliff. There was no falling out of this one. The only option was to turn around and climb out the way I came. I hyperventilated for about 30 seconds then pulled myself together. The scariest moment was unstrapping my board, trying to get footing, and turning myself around to a comfortable spot to climb. I'm not being dramatic when I say that one false move would have sent me over the edge and to the hospital. But Mother Nature was being forgiving and provided some trees for me to hold on to. It is hard work to climb out of deep snow but I survived, and with more awareness.

Much thanks to Mother Nature for sparing me and to my husband for the photo and confidence.

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