Wednesday, May 5

Day 125 - Patted myself on the back

I usually don't celebrate mini accomplishments. I usually think that whatever I did was what I was supposed to do. Take applying to that band, for instance. If I want to further my music, I needed to do something like this. I needed to throw up a MySpace page and share my singing. But it wasn't until I told my voice teacher that I realized how huge that really was for me.

She knows I'm a perfectionist, so it was a big deal to share some songs that were not perfect. She knows a goal of mine this year is to write some songs, so it was a big deal that I threw together lyrics and a tune. She was jumping up and down for me. I was a bit embarrassed by the kudos at first, then realized that it really was a gigantic step for me. How nice to have people around to point this stuff out to you. Just like my friend Diana last week, taking me out to celebrate my company.

I have not heard back from that band, and know I never will. But it does not matter, because I made a huge first leap and even in rejection, boosted my confidence. So thank you, Karen Reifer, for being such an encouraging leader in my musical journey.

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